Not only Numbers, it is Knowledge
Research Team on Data Engineering and Semantics
Data Engineering and Semantics Research Team is a group of scientists located in Faculty of Sciences, University of Sfax and specialized in Computer Science enhanced by Statistics and Library and Information Science. In the context of COVID-19, the group decided to contribute to the scholarly efforts of providing support to the fight of the state against the pandemic by creating tools that can be used to track and study the epidemiological and infodemiological situation of the disease in the country including SPEED.
Houcemeddine TURKI: Member of Wikimedia and Libraries User Group Steering Committee
Email: turkiabdelwaheb[at]hotmail[dot]fr
Mohamed Ali HADJ TAIEB: Assistant professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Email: mohamedali.hadjtaieb[at]gmail[dot]com
Mohamed BEN AOUICHA: Associate professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Email: mohamed.benaouicha[at]fss[dot]usf[dot]tn